A Very Late Teaser Tuesday!

So sorry for missing Teaser Tuesday!

I hope you don’t mind me bringing it to you today. Life is knocking me around a bit and my body has decided it doesn’t really want to function and is being a pain in my butt (actually its being a pain everywhere!)… also my my poor puppy hasn’t been well either… So I’ve been trying to keep afloat. But that’s not very interesting…

Let me bring to you a short excerpt from Cruel Prince. Unfortunately, I haven’t read nearly as much as I would’ve liked to…Reading words is actually causing bad headaches…so I’m relying on Audiobooks at the moment. I noticed Cruel Prince is an audiobook, but I have no free credits and I don’t really have the money to buy it right now. Car service coming up…need I say more?

Anywho, here is the teaser of the week.

“I’ve seen many impossible things,” the man said. “I have seen the acorn before the oak. I have seen the spark before the flame. But never have I seen such as this: A dead woman living. A child born from nothing.”

– Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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