A Dragon’s Curse – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Not everything broken can be put together again.

I risked everything to keep my best friend alive and now…I’ve not only lost my fated mate, but I’ve willingly become a prisoner.

Shrouded in darkness and isolated from the world, I have all the time to consider my next moves. Yet, there are only two things I can focus on…

Getting back to Cillian and making sure that at some point soon, Knox ceases to exist. Whether that’s by my hand or someone’s else’s, I don’t care. It just needs to be done.

Watching my world literally burn is nothing compared to knowing my mate is out there somewhere and I can’t find her. That I’ve failed to protect her as I promised to do.

When I finally have her back in my arms, nothing is as I hoped. More betrayal is revealed, and a war is coming. One I don’t want to avoid if it means getting my vengeance.

Only not everything is as it seems and doing what I should instead of what I want is no longer an easy choice.Not everything broken can be put together again.

A Dragon’s Curse (The Hidden Realm 2) by Heather Renee

Hey…so this review I already had listed up on Goodreads and because of my brain fog, I hadn’t realised it wasn’t uploaded out of my drafts on my blog. So this is really delayed posting on my site but better late than never right? Least, I uploaded it somewhere.

Holy dragon babies!! 😍 Heather continues to smash it out of the park and I’m here for it all the way!!! I will say that this books cliffy is nowhere near as bad but MAN am I SO curious about all the things, which kind of makes it nearly as bad but not quite lol.

Loving all the aspects of this story and continue to love and adore the characters! I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the next book because dang do I have a lot of questions that I need answered stat!

Thanks again Heather for yet another story I can lose myself in especially when life has been so chaotic! Those are the moments you especially need the escape that snatches you away and helps you stop thinking.

Please note that I did receive this book as an ARC but as always this is my honest thoughts on this book. Please note that I receive nothing in place for my honest review.

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Talk later Ramblers!

Definitely recommend reading guys! 💜

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