Wolf Mated (Luna Marked 3) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wolf Mated (Luna Marked 3) by Heather Renee

Wow, dude it honestly doesn’t feel that long ago that I started this series, and yet here I am writing the final books review!! What is happening?! I was not prepared for this series to come to an end. Like not even a lil bit. I need more Cait and Roman in my life. Ah scratch that, I need all my favs.

I absolutely adored this series with every beat of my heart. It was everything and more to me…and to have been part of this journey too with Heather, from the beginning, has really endeared it to me even more. Heather has truly touched into something, just more with every new story she has created. Her talent and gift truly blows me away. So guys, if you haven’t started these books…

So now that you know that you need to read these books. Make sure you have it happening before the 23rd September, which is less than a week away! Eeeek. So what are you waiting for? Go and preorder this book baby! You’ll regret it if you don’t. HERE it is…so what’s holding you back? I know for me…

These books you can’t help but connect with and love the characters. I truly adored the friendships within these books, they just feel right and special. You can’t help but see yourself amongst them bro-ing it up lol. They are just awesome, there’s just something so real and authentic about them. Which is everything a character needs to be. So that was by far my favourite thing. But I also very much enjoyed the story and how it developed. The pace is just set to perfection…building to its crescendo and exploding in its brilliance. Can’t ask for much more with a story, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, for you guys, I’m not going anywhere just yet. Ha, you thought that was all I was going to say? Jokes on you then hahahaha 😂. I haven’t even touched on my attachment to Roman and what’s ahead. So let’s do that. First off…let’s make it clear again…ROMAN IS MINE! I will only share him with a few others. Say like Nat. After all, we made a pact in the beta group and created our own little Heather’s Girl Gang. Anyone else outside of that, it’s fair game. Don’t make me fight for him…coz I WILL.

Now that that has been settled, let’s talk a little about the story and what’s in store for you. Well, Cait is on the clock, the Supernatural Council has given her a deadline, to when she needs to go to them. But Cait definitely doesn’t want to become a magical slave or who knows what else. That is definitely not part of the plan. So it’s time to come up with a solution to avoid that. Because there is certainly something suss going on within the Council. With foes popping out the woodwork, it’s time to band up with other supernaturals and work together, to fight this unknown enemy.

Meanwhile, Roman and Cait are becoming the true power couple or Alpha pair. Their bond is becoming something truly unique and beautiful. And they won’t allow any force to pull them apart. They will do what they need to, to survive the earth-shaking road ahead. Nothing will stop them from being together. For that is where they are strongest. These two and their pack are not someone I’d be messing with, for family is their everything. And they will fight tooth and nail to keep it.

All I can say is be prepared to have your own self rocked, whilst reading this. I know for me, there are some scenes where you literally are reading so fast coz you are like

Whilst trying to keep myself calm and collected, I had this mantra running through my head quite frequently lol…

But then you just get to a point that you are just like, yeah no, forget it…

I was getting to a point that I was seriously like, I’m ready to throw down with the Moon goddess lol. I know, probably not a smart move on my part but she was just messing with my poor guys just beyond my limits. I’m like a protective mama bear lols. There was a point in the story I felt like someone had to physically pull me away from making bad life decisions lol. I’m not even kidding. I bet you’ll know where, when you get there. Shoot a comment below as to what scene you think it is.

Lucky that Cait is stronger than she ever, probably, truly realised. Her strength and determination to see things through is something else. Now that she has let people back into her life and opened her heart to love again, she will do everything in her power to keep them beside her. I’ll say this, the Moon Goddess knew what she was doing when she picked Cait. Because if anyone can succeed, overcoming the trials ahead, it’s this girl.

..”.Your Moon Goddess chose me for a reason, and I won’t stop until my purpose has been fulfilled.”

Wanna see how true this statement is? You know what to do…Yep. Get that book and read it derh! You’ll love the journey this book will take you on, even if your emotions get a little battered. You’ll pull through. You got this.

Can’t wait to see what Heather has in store for us next with a spin-off, that’ll feature a certain vampire. Keep your eyes peeled for more news on Vampire Heir.

Thanks so much, Heather for this awesome journey that I thoroughly enjoyed. Love you and your amazing ability to create worlds that I adore! Ugh, but now I gotto get myself into gear and face reality again. I feel like this should be something I should be able to do easily enough by now…but it’s definitely not an ongoing skillset for me lol.

If you love stories that take on a story of growth and finding your inner strength, to fight through whatever the storm is throwing at you…this is a series for you. For lovers of Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Shifter romances that’ll just melt your heart, this one was made for you. So do yourself a favour and pick this series up 😀

I was given a copy of this ARC in place for an honest review, and as always these are my honest thoughts and emotions on this book. I hope you enjoyed a sneak peek into what’s coming your way soon! Start that countdown guys! Write the date into your calendar 23rd September.

If you are new to me and my blog, Hi and welcome 😀! If you love what you see make sure to follow, so you can keep up to date on all things happening. And as always Ramblers I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below on what you think and what you are excited about with this upcoming book. Or come back once it’s released to let me know your thoughts. Always love chatting about books and life. 💖

Until next time guys. There are at least two more ARC books on the schedule, so be sure to keep your eyes out for that.

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