Wolf of Ashes (Dark Magic Shifters 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.
His dark crown will be mine.
My mother was imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. She was locked away in darkness, never to see light again. I was born into that darkness, that perpetual night. I learned to survive without sunlight and to thrive on the scraps that were thrown to me.
All because someone didn't want me to claim my birthright.
Now I'm free. And I'm coming for what's mine.
I'll go deep into the nightmares of an empire built on blood and bones to find the man whose name my mother couldn't utter.
A beast who stole my place among supernaturals.
I'll do whatever it takes to slice his empire apart, piece by little piece.
Even if it means making a deal with a man whose thirst for vengeance exceeds my own. A broken king. The darkest of them all.
In return for his power, he wants more from me than I can give.
He wants my heart.
Content information: Wolf of Ashes is a dark paranormal romance, the first in the Dark Magic Shifters series. Recommended reading age is 18+ for sex scenes, mature themes, violence, and language. Ends on a cliffhanger.
Tropes include: supernatural mafia, enemies to lovers, secret identity, fated mates, wolf shifters, dragon shifters, and Norse mythology.

Wolf of Ashes (Dark Magic Shifters 1) by Everly Frost

Hey Ramblers!

Everly is coming at us with another new series (or technically spin-off prequel series) that I think most urban fantasy lovers will be dying for!! I’ll be honest, this one did take me a decent amount of time to truly get me in and I’m honestly not sure why that was but it was a good 60% before I was fully grabbed…but don’t take this to mean that the moments before this point weren’t good, I just might’ve needed more time to sink into this new story! Towards the end, I was lost inside of the budding story and now I really need more information and to see where it all goes! It just came bursting to life at that end point!

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Savage Hunt (Den of Shadows 3) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.
All dark magic has a price. And one day, the universe will come calling…

Fane and I are thrown into the Underworld’s most notorious prison, and the suffering inflicted by the supernatural guards is the least of my problems. A powerful inmate lusts for my destruction, and dark secrets surround the mysterious warden.

Princess Venna isn’t the only demon interested in discovering Ruin’s plans for the Infernal Sol. Instead of torment, the warden plays a different game to loosen my lips.

As we endure our sinister punishment in Heldrok, the amulet slowly steals my control, and not even Fane is safe from my brand of chaos.

I’m the wicked, depraved, and savage one now. And no one can stop me.

But when Fane is caught in a nightmarish fate, I’m reminded of the beast who longed to tear me to pieces. If I can’t free him, I’ll sacrifice everything to save him.

The wicked power in me will scream. The bond will break. And he’ll have his vengeance.

If you like dark, gritty urban fantasy romances featuring possessive, tattooed and pierced shifters, wicked and alluring demons, and kicka** heroines who make even the worst monsters fall to their knees, then dive right into the darkness… Welcome to Den of Shadows.

Den of Shadows is a Nightworld series along with Nightworld: Court of Magic but can be read alone.

**This book is part of a series and ends on a cliffhanger.

**This book contains dark content that may be considered a trigger for some readers, and there is mention of past abuse.

Savage Hunt by J.N Colon

I know, I know, its been an age since I’ve written a ramble…life’s been a bully but I’m here now even as my body protests me using my brain lol…but this book seriously deserves something so I’m going to try and deliver something worthy of this book.

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Bubble Thoughts – Say You Swear

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy

3.8 ⭐️ absolutely got sucked into this book. Was definitely an emotional ride and I loved that it could make me feel all the things. I’m not usually one that is for the love triangles but this book? I’ll let it pass. All I can say is, that the male love interest is PERFECT in all the ways, I swear 😉. Ultimate book boyfriend material right there.

“For the record, that about killed me, and it was a one-time thing that will never replay itself.” His lips pull into a one-sided grin. “So next time you ask, be sure because I won’t deny you again.”
“Say you swear.”
A laugh flies from him, and he nudges my leg with his own, shaking his head as he turns back to his food. “I swear.”

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A Dragon’s Fate – ARC Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.
In war, there are never any winners.

Trusting family should be easy, but with an entire realm at risk of destruction, the task isn’t that simple.

We only have days to find the solution we need to end Knox once and for all. And when the path leads us back to Earth, we have no idea what to expect.

I never thought I could take my own brother’s life, but when left with no other choice, I know I’ll do whatever I must to keep those I love safe.

Most of all, Dawsyn.

On the hunt for a spell, we find ourselves moving through covens, swamps, and even a city I hope to never visit again.

No matter the obstacle, I won’t stop until we have what we need. I’ve lost too much already, and I’ll be damned if I let Knox take more.

A Dragon’s Fate (The Hidden Realm 3) by Heather Renee

Hey guys! It’s been a little while, sorry about that! It’s been sooo chaotic with doctors of late and I’m seriously wiped. On top of that, my fingers have been causing me so much pain with what is most likely chilblains but the doctor wasn’t completely sold on it…so, we still don’t know why my fingers blew up like swollen, painful little sausages. Yes, I’m a special little snowflake.

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A Dragon’s Curse – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Not everything broken can be put together again.

I risked everything to keep my best friend alive and now…I’ve not only lost my fated mate, but I’ve willingly become a prisoner.

Shrouded in darkness and isolated from the world, I have all the time to consider my next moves. Yet, there are only two things I can focus on…

Getting back to Cillian and making sure that at some point soon, Knox ceases to exist. Whether that’s by my hand or someone’s else’s, I don’t care. It just needs to be done.

Watching my world literally burn is nothing compared to knowing my mate is out there somewhere and I can’t find her. That I’ve failed to protect her as I promised to do.

When I finally have her back in my arms, nothing is as I hoped. More betrayal is revealed, and a war is coming. One I don’t want to avoid if it means getting my vengeance.

Only not everything is as it seems and doing what I should instead of what I want is no longer an easy choice.Not everything broken can be put together again.

A Dragon’s Curse (The Hidden Realm 2) by Heather Renee

Hey…so this review I already had listed up on Goodreads and because of my brain fog, I hadn’t realised it wasn’t uploaded out of my drafts on my blog. So this is really delayed posting on my site but better late than never right? Least, I uploaded it somewhere.

Holy dragon babies!! 😍 Heather continues to smash it out of the park and I’m here for it all the way!!! I will say that this books cliffy is nowhere near as bad but MAN am I SO curious about all the things, which kind of makes it nearly as bad but not quite lol.

Loving all the aspects of this story and continue to love and adore the characters! I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on the next book because dang do I have a lot of questions that I need answered stat!

Thanks again Heather for yet another story I can lose myself in especially when life has been so chaotic! Those are the moments you especially need the escape that snatches you away and helps you stop thinking.

Please note that I did receive this book as an ARC but as always this is my honest thoughts on this book. Please note that I receive nothing in place for my honest review.

If you are a newbie to my blog welcome! It’s so awesome to have you here and to call you a fellow Rambler! Don’t forget to hit that follow button so you don’t miss out on any of my newest posts. If any of you guys feel like supporting my website there is an option to do so on the Donations page. Any help keeping my site running is always appreciated! Thank you again for being here and a part of my crazy book-reading journeys. 

Talk later Ramblers!

Definitely recommend reading guys! 💜

LINKS:             AMAZON AU     |       AMAZON US   |       GOODREADS

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A Sky Like Blood (Kingdom of Betrayal 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

A Sky Like Blood (Kingdom of Betrayal 1) by Everly Frost

Ohhh my words I knew I needed this book but I didn’t truly know how much I would crave it! Jokes on me right? coz should’ve figured that one out with Everly. But of late I’ve been struggling to be truly snagged and captivated by a book and this book did all that for me. I’m not even kidding. This series is going to be a new favourite. I just know it.

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The Right Move – Book Bubble Thoughts!

Book Title: The Right Move (Windy City Series) by Liz Tomforde

Book Blurb: 


She’s a distraction, that’s what she is.

I’m the newest Captain of the Devils, Chicago’s NBA team, and the last thing I needed this year was for Indy Ivers, my sister’s best friend, to move into my apartment. She’s messy, emotional, and way too tempting.

But when the team’s General Manager vocalizes his blatant disapproval of my promotion to Captain, referring to me as an unapproachable lone wolf with no work-life balance, I can’t think of a better way to convince him otherwise than pretending to date my outgoing roommate.

The only problem? Faking it feels far too natural.

Having a fake girlfriend wasn’t supposed to be messy but having Indy under my roof and in my bed is complicated, especially when she wants all the romantic parts of life that I could never give her.


I never imagined I’d be living with my best friend’s brother, NBA superstar Ryan Shay. Even more unbelievable? He needs me to act as his loving girlfriend who’s suddenly changed him into a friendly and approachable guy.

Because, well…he’s not. He’s controlling of his space and untrusting of others.

Our arrangement isn’t one-sided, though. I’m in a wedding coming up, one where every one of my childhood friends, including my ex-boyfriend, will be in attendance, and there’s no better date than my ex’s celebrity hero.

Blurred lines make it almost impossible to separate real from fake. Falling for my roommate was never part of the deal, especially when Ryan is quick to remind me that he doesn’t believe in love.

I’m a romantic and can’t help fantasizing that he’ll change, but soon enough, I find myself questioning if sharing a roof with my best friend’s brother was the right move after all

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Holy dang…If you are looking for another ultimate book boyfriend…look no further! Ryan is so unbelievably swoon-worthy. He’s going in as a favourite. The best part is the fact he is so quiet in his love…which in all honesty, only makes it all the louder. He is the kind of guy that does all these touching things without the MC girl (Indy) being any the wiser (she obvi works it out but yeah). For eg. he learns sign language because her dad is deaf…But he does this behind the scenes where she has no clue (and my words when she finds out he’s learning, it’s such an emotional moment for her because no one had done that for her before). There are so many other things he does that show he cares all without saying it…because both these characters are carrying scars from past relationships, and words only mean/carry so far. So it might start out as a pretend fake-relationship…but let me tell you, not one minute could those two fake it, not even for a second. Their relationship is just so wholesome and beautiful. They both find their feet after past hurts and help each other to be their best selves and grow. Just like any real and true partner should be with you.

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The Sister Between Us – Book Bubble Thoughts!

Book Title: The Sister Between Us by Hailey Dickert

Book Blurb: The Sister Between Us is a second-chance contemporary romance.

One night is all it takes to change everything.

He was my best friend’s brother. My neighbor. The one person I was never supposed to fall for, until lines got blurred – stolen kisses and lies told to the people we loved most.


When the secrets we’d been keeping came out, broken hearts weren’t the only casualties. Though I’ve spent years chasing my dreams of being a professional soccer player, I’ve never forgotten the one who got away.

A chance encounter brings me back face to face with the only person I’ve ever loved.

Can we repair what's been broken?
Has time healed the scars that run deeper than the surface?
Will the sister between us bring us back together or push us apart yet again?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

WOW. This was quite the emotional journey. But it was done so beautifully. This is an easy 4.5 stars. I loved the characters that pulled me into their own heartbreak, making it as if it were my own. This honestly tore at my heart and whilst the journey was an emotional rollercoaster the balance of finding healing, made that hurt all the much sweeter once it was found. And one thing I really want to commend with this book was how it was actually finished. I’m a fussy book finisher and if the ending isn’t feeling right for me, it does have an impact on how I view the book as a whole. But this one was finished beautifully and felt perfect for this couple and the characters within. This story sure knows how to pull on all the heartstrings. Don’t let that cover fool you though. I was not prepared for the heart-hurting I was in for. It’s worth it for sure but just be prepared to be made to feel some things.

I definitely recommend, if you love a beautifully crafted second chance romance that brings tears to your eyes and finds the love that got away…but can it really get away, if the tether was never broken?

I do have to thank my friend Danie for recommending this second-chance sports romance. And I apologise for bombarding you with messages with my crazy heart ramblings lol. I was not okay and there’s very good reason for that. Duuuude.

Again this book does contain some TW’s so read with care…but the author does list the content on her website.

LINKS:             AMAZON AU     |       AMAZON US   |       GOODREADS

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Love at Frost Sight – Book Bubble Thoughts!

Book Title: Love at Frost Sight: A Holiday Novella by Torie Jean

Book Blurb: Seth is fine with the friend zone. Well, he would be okay with being gutted every time his best friend, & love of his life, Jenny, swooned at the star quarterback if it wasn’t a constant reminder that it should have been him.
The big guy on campus. Pro scouts.
The girl of his dreams looking his way.
His identity. His future. All ripped away by a freak hit that shattered his knee & his dreams in an instant. Even his high school sweetheart left. So when the quirky bookstore owner offers him a world where that hit never happened, the least a guy can do is humor her.

It’s just a bonus that when he wakes up, the mean girl on campus, who ditched Jenny for a sorority, is his tutor & she fumbles around like some lovestruck, blushing fool whenever he flashes a smile her way.

Jenny is the endgame.
But it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if, along the way, he made Madeline Finch beg for him in the stacks of the library, or the locker room, or his bedroom….
In the spirit of giving, & all that jazz, am I right?

Mean Girl Madeline Finch is officially desperate. Her star quarterback boyfriend just dumped her for his tutor & her ex-best friend & in the aftermath, she made a few—or several, who’s to judge here—mistakes.
With the fear of losing the crown she worked tirelessly for, Madeline would do anything for a do-over. So when a bizarre bookstore owner starts yelling about a rewrite and offering her a too-good-to-be-true deal: get some alleged soulmate of hers to fall in love w/ her by Christmas, and she can have ten mins of her life back, who is Madeline to say no?
But when Madeline wakes up in a world ripped straight out of a Christmas display window, as the not-like-other-girls-girl of her nightmares and finds the “soulmate” she has to woo is none other than thorn-in-her-side, Seth Aarons, Madeline may find herself learning a lesson or two.
Like when making a deal w/ a faerie, always read the fine print.
It’s never too late to start becoming a good person. & the most important lesson of all, Seth Aarons has a particularly lovely mouth when he’s not using it for talking.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I thought this would be a great book to share some thoughts on, especially since this month is Adenomyosis Awareness (cousin of Endometriosis). This book sheds some, much-needed, awareness on Endometriosis but in a way that the book’s whole focus isn’t purely surrounding it…but it was done in a way that I appreciate because it keeps the disease realistic and always there at the same time. So there are small drops throughout the whole story and does include instances of Endo flares. If that sensitive subject matter isn’t for you and you want or need to know more, the author does include a list of potential TW’s for those unsure.

I will admit, I actually didn’t go into this book having read the blurb. I stumbled across this book when looking for information about Finding Gene Kelly, another book by this author (another great awareness book and a story I thoroughly enjoyed, that touched my heart in more than one way!). When I saw this book, I just instantly bought it and dived in. It’s such a quirky cute romance and I’ll be honest, I was hella confused when I first started reading lol but I still enjoyed this short story. It has a touch of magic sprinkled into the pages (literally) – that bookstore owner had me laughing at her bizarreness. This is a true, light, finding-your-soulmate-romance read and fixing your mistakes along the way, so you can find and accept the other piece of your heart. Nothing like I expected but oh so adorable and quirky. I do have to say her flare-up scene really hit me in the feels but it was also one of the scenes I felt most connected to the character. 💞

Favourite quote:

It’s official. I shouldn’t be allowed to socialise. Bad things happen when I try to people.

LINKS:             AMAZON AU     |       AMAZON US   |       GOODREADS

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon, and I may earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase through my links.

Bring Me Back – Book Bubble Thoughts!

Time for my first new style of reviews – which shall be called book bubble thoughts! 😀

My first review is going to be on:

Book Title: Bring Me Back by Kristen Granata

Book Blurb: A contemporary romance about hope, mental health, and the healing power of love.

After surviving a suicide attempt, Phoenix Bridges has been given a second chance at life—one she isn’t sure what to do with. When she’s released from a psychiatric treatment center, she moves into her family’s old shore house in New Jersey to figure out how to start over. She expects the town to be desolate in the winter months.

What she doesn’t anticipate is the gorgeous, brooding cop who lives next door.

James Russo blames himself for being unable to save his mother years ago. Now he’s made it his life’s mission to help everyone he can. So when he catches a glimpse of his beautiful new neighbor crying through her bedroom window, he’s determined to be her refuge.

Sparks fly as they grow close and share their tragic pasts. But when danger unexpectedly strikes, James is helpless to stop it as Phoenix gets caught in the crossfire.

Will Phoenix fight for the life she never wanted, or will James lose the one he loves all over again?

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I would just like to first say, please be warned that this book could potentially be very triggering. It does cover a lot of deeper and emotionally stirring content. So please keep that in mind prior to reading, to make sure it’s okay for you.

Whilst the content of this book was raw and emotionally moving, I loved the healing journey it also led me on. It showed that even from the darkest moments in life you can turn it around and begin again; Heal and find love and happiness in the most unexpected of places. The one thing I particularly liked within this story, is that it showed all different angles and POV’s on mental health and its effects on all sides. I also loved how the romance side of things was slow-building, focusing on a budding friendship first (which kept the story realistic in this particular regard) and how as things grew healing began – not just on one side but the whole family dynamic as well (found family). It was truly touching and definitely pulls at all the heartstrings. As a person that has/does suffer from anxiety and depression it was at times extremely emotional but it does go full circle.

If you are after a heartbreakingly beautiful story of love and healing and second chances at finding your place in the world…Give this contemporary book a chance. I loved a lot about it and it really did speak to my heart. And the romance was so raw and beautiful, that it literally melted my heart with little “aww” moments.

I’m just going to leave this here. One of the many quotes that truly touched me. If you are struggling, I really do prompt you to really focus on these words below. Don’t just read them…try and feel and believe them, to the best of your abilities.

“A phoenix rises from the ashes. It’s a symbol of strength.”
“So, what’s wrong with that?”
“I’m not strong.”
Ah, there’s the truth.
“Most strong people don’t actually feel like they’re strong. Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“Trust me, I’m not. I don’t know what my father was thinking when he picked this name. It’s just a constant reminder of how un-phoenixlike I am.”
I roll onto my side to face her. “That’s not what I see.”
She peeks at me from under the ice pack. “And what do you see?”
“I see someone who’s still here. Someone who makes the choice to wake up and live every single morning….
…Regardless of what you’ve been through, you’re still standing. That seems pretty damn strong to me.”

LINKS:             AMAZON AU     |       AMAZON US   |       GOODREADS

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A Dragon’s Wolf (The Hidden Realm 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

A Dragon’s Wolf (The Hidden Realm 1) by Heather Renee

Some things are better left unknown.

All my life I’d been nothing more than the alpha’s daughter. After twenty-two years of that existence, I finally leave my pack, intent to figure out who I am.

Except a week into my newfound freedom, I discover that dragon shifters exist. Not only that, but the first one I stumble upon turns out to be my mate. One I don’t want and never asked for.

It’s not like Cillian is bad on the eyes or that I’m repulsed by his grumpy demeanor. In fact, everything about him is rather…appealing. He just wasn’t part of the plan.

The realm I call home is under attack and things are only getting worse as the weeks pass. When I decide to do something about that, I get more than I bargained for.

I get Dawsyn Chase.

A wolf shifter with a bite as vicious as her words that also happens to be my fated mate. She’s a distraction I intend to stay away from, but when the world demands otherwise… It could be more than our bond at stake if we’re not careful.

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Savage Bond (Den of Shadows 2) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Savage Bond (Den of Shadows 2) by J.N. Colon

The hunter becomes the hunted. And trusting an enemy is the only way out…

Betrayed and sold to the highest bidder, I’m now a demon lord’s captive. Instead of chains and torture, the alluring nightworlder makes me an offer I can’t refuse.

He’ll break my bond with Fane Maverick.

Dark, twisted, and brutal…I crave Fane as much as I hate him. And he’s promised to ruin me for anyone else.

But as luck would have it, the savage demon shifter is the only one who can tame my deadly beast, and when our past returns to haunt us, we’re forced together again.

If our enemies find out what’s hiding inside of me, neither one of us stands a chance at surviving.

While Nightworld’s fate rests in my hands, mine dangles on the tip of Fane’s tattooed, talon-tipped fingers.

Gaaah I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this book and I finally got to read and devour it! And boy did I love every second of this crazy journey that now awaits you guys! So are you ready?!

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A Court of Debt and Deception (Shadowguard Trials 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

A Court of Debt and Deception (Shadowguard Trials 1) by Samantha Britt

Hey, hey Ramblers!! Welcome to my first ARC read of the year and daaaang was it one that I LOVED and completely DEVOURED!! I was more than a little sad to see this book come to an end.

There was so much to love about this book and I can’t express how much I loved falling back into the Shadowguard world. I remember when the first one came out in 2019? I was lucky enough to get my hands on the ARC of that one too and I just adored how Samantha wrote. Since then, I’ve fallen into each one of her worlds and loved them all. Her writing style and ability to weave a story has always had a way of catching my attention and holding it. And this new series is no different. I can’t tell you how fast I fell in love with the main character, Andie. She’s one you just can’t help but connect with and love. Then add in the other characters and don’t forget about the plot, it’s just the icing on the cake.

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The Last Dragon King (Kings of Avalier 1)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Last Dragon King (King of Avalier 1) by Leia Stone

Hey Rambers! How are we all doing?! It’s been a little while since I wrote a review. But the reading world and ARC’s have been on the quieter side. Settling onto a new med so trying to keep things relatively easy for myself. So on that note that’s why my review isn’t quite as long as the usual lol.


The Dragon King is looking for a wife.
This news throws the women in my village into a tizzy. The king will be sending out the royal guard to bring women of childbearing age to his castle in Jade City.
There is only one requirement: the woman must carry enough magic to produce an heir for him.
I’m a watered-down human with a mere ten percent dragon magic lineage, I know I won’t be chosen, but for some reason the magic sniffers command me to present myself to the king as a possible wife.
I’m ready to go to Jade City until my mother tells me a terrifying secret. A secret that could get me killed… by the king himself.

Anywho, let’s dive in. This story is yet another great read by the amazing Leia Stone. This story is a fast-paced, enjoyable read, that I definitely loved getting lost in. The characters were so perfectly made that I couldn’t help but love them. Things move fairly fast in this first story but it is a nice setup for what’s to come next with the following King.

I’m truly intrigued by this new world setup and daaaang I loved me the dragon shifter side of it. The trope of two opposing sides coming together gets me every time 😍. No matter who wants to sway the mind of the king, to safer options. Leaving me, meanwhile, going…

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Chase the Shadows (Supernatural Legacy 3)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Chase the Shadows (Supernatural Legacy 3) by Everly Frost

Holy dragon’s breath! If you loved book one of this series there is absolutely no reason why you won’t be obsessed with this one even more! I know for me, this book is next level! I was hooked in so deeply, that it was practically impossible to put the book down. I was not putting it down for anything. Nobody got time for that lol.

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Wolfed: Cursed By Love (Wolfed 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wolfed: Cursed By Love (Wolfed 1) by Leia Stone

Heyoh Ramblers! I hope you are all doing well and keeping out of mischief and staying sane? I have to admit my brain has been haywire and all over the place. Definitely keeping out of mischief, but I dunno about the sane part 😆. Life has been crazy. My body has decided it doesn’t want to play by any rules and is just here there and everywhere, with what it throws at me of late. So much fun aye. 😆

But let’s forget a bit about life for a little while yeah. And this is a great book to do that with. When I say this book dives right in…I mean. Right. In. So if you ask me…

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Soul Cursed (Nightworld: Court of Magic 4) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Soul Cursed (Nightworld: Court of Magic 4) by J.N. Colon

Holy flippin’ Fae wine. That. That was the most adrenaline-pumping, emotionally-stirring, edge of your seat worthy read. And I’m sad to see some of my fav character’s story come to a close…but seriously exceptional read. It was all tied up so perfectly (well outside of the fact that it ended lol…but we can’t have everything, now can we?) And since nothing can really meet the energy of the kid from Incredibles, this gif feels hella appropriate for this book.

But also…

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Midnight Moon (Alpha Games 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Midnight Moon (Alpha Games 1) by Samantha Britt

I absolutely loved so much about this book and the only reason I’m setting it at this score, is because I just know it’s going to get so much better. So it feels wrong, marking it as a 5…because then, in my opinion, it doesn’t show the story’s growth to its fullest. Hence I’m gonna stick with this rating…but my words! You guys have to read this book! If you love Shifter and bonded mates you’ll gobble this one up like you’ve been deprived of your favourite chocolate cake. And you’ll eat it all up without a worry for your safety because nothing else will matter.

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Shifted Magic (Fated to the Wolf 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Shifted Magic (Fated to the Wolf 1) by Heather Renee

G’day my fellow Ramblers. How are you all doing? I hope everyone is managing okay and enjoying the book worlds and their oh so sweet escape. I know I have been using them for this very purpose. Life is playing a crazy game of dodgeball with me and I am not a fan of it lol.

See it’s a very hazardous lifestyle -I’m with the onlooking blonde girl flinching lol
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Hunt the Night: Supernatural Legacy (Angels & Dragon Shifters 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Hunt the Night: Supernatural Legacy (Angels & Dragon Shifters 1) by Everly Frost

Holy damn dragon breaths! This is the easiest 5 star score I could give. If you fell hard for Everly’s Soul Bitten Wolf Shifter series, you are going to become obsessed with this latest upcoming release (Coming out on the 18th February!). All I can say is be sure to have this on the list! It’s the biggest MUST ever!

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Shadow Angel (Shadow Angel 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Wow what a journey this book is. Has left me with so so many questions. Questions that I just need answered. This story has so much potential and growth and I’m totally here for it.

I loved the characters and can’t wait to see more of them. They are just all so loveable (the ones on the good side obvi lol). There’s so much intrigue with this story and how the characters grow through it all… and personally, I think, that in itself makes a story. So yaaas for amazing character creations!!

And man do these girls know what they are doing when they end this book. It leaves you NEEDING to keep going. You just have this urge to demand it be handed over, coz it can’t stop there. Answers are what you are focused on. It’s like they have been reeling you in slowly, as you progress through the story, before BAM you’re pulled in tight all the way…and now you’re just dangling off the line of that fishing hook, hopelessly and without a clue of what’s coming next. That’s the best analogy I could think of lol, if that helps any. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

This is a story I definitely would recommend reading. It takes you on a journey of good, bad and that in between grey are. Where not all is as it seems. That sometimes the side you are on isn’t actually the side you choose. Confusing? Deliberately so. 😉

Enter into a world of demons and darkness where anything could happen.

Tatum has lived a normal life. Waiting tables to keep her and her grandma afloat. But when she starts seeing that monsters do in fact exist… she knows her world is about to turn on its axis. She’s brought into a world of Watchers, a society of earthbound angels, split into two faction. Dark (Shades) and light (Lumens) and Tatum only has a couple days to choose her side in this brutal war she has found herself in the middle of.

When she thinks she’s ready to lay her decision out there…is the moment she learns that they cursed the one thing she has in this life. And now it’s game on.

This is a story you will devour and love and I for one cannot wait to read more. Be sure to check it out. Audiobook and Paperback are now live but the ebook releases on the 21st January- you can find it here —> Shadow Angel. Thank you Leia and Julie for this awesome read I’m so happy to be part of your ARC team!

Happy Reading!

Vampire Vow (Scorned by Blood 3) – ARC Review


Well I’ll be damned. I didn’t think Heather could outdo herself like this but daaaang she did. Whilst my emotions are still on the rollercoaster ride that is this story. This is an easy 5 stars to give. A story that can make you feel so strongly and has you blaming onions for your stingy eyes deserves all the stars. Wouldn’t you agree?

So whilst cutting my non existing onions (shh don’t tell nobody that)…I needed a minute to just be like how could you do me like this Heather?! And whilst I’m still all aboard that train I love the fact that she can mess with my emotions so easily. So whilst I’m holding a teensy bit of a grudge against her currently… I love her and the amazing journey this book is. It really is a book about finding your people, your home and that with them you can get through anything. Which warmed my heart so much. Our dear Amersyn started off with nobody and as the series progresses you see her let people in and that’s such a beautiful thing to watch bloom. People accepting you for who you are and making you the best version of yourself. Beautiful. No, no I’m not gonna cry.

This book was just incredible. The characters (oh the characters!) I adored them. So relatable and loveable. The story development and growth was something I truly loved experiencing. It took me a little to get fully invested in this series world but once Heather got her claws into me, I was a complete goner. I truly think this could be some of Heather’s best works yet. I know right?! You’d think that was impossible. But with every story this girl releases, she herself shows so much growth. And I’m here for it all. 😍

With everything coming to a head, the final battle is nigh and players are bringing their all. So be prepared for anything.…anything. It’s time for Amersyn and her friends to take down Viktor and his nest once and for all. With plot twists and turns, expect the unexpected folks. And even then you’ll probably still get shocker punched (I spelt it wrong for a reason lol).

This book I would definitely recommend reading. So do yourself a favour and add it to the list. You guys can thank me later 😉. This book releases on the 20th January but if you want to read now the paperback just went live. (Find here —> Vampire Vow)

Thank you so much Heather for providing me with the ARC of this incredible mind-blowing journey. As always it’s a pleasure being apart of your team, even when you are a little bit evil. 😜 I can’t wait for others to read this awesome story you created.

Anywho, I’m gonna leave it at that and am going to find myself some chocolate to eat now lol. I know I’m complaining but my heart hurts. You’ll understand. But I did very much (or vermicelli as my autocorrect wanted to say lol) like how their story was wrapped up! I’m curious to see what more Heather has in store for us in the MM world.

Til next time. Happy reading Ramblers! 🤍

Ps my computer has decided to move on to its next life (RIP you had a good life!)….so whilst my reviews for a time will be lacking the gifs I hope they still get across my real feels.

Blood Marked (Nightworld Court of Magic 3) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Blood Marked by J.N. Colon

Holy flamin’ mushrooms on toast! This was so torturously perfect! 😍 …if I wasn’t already obsessed with this series this book would’ve done it for me. So much so, I think Jena might be starting to regret her beyond awesome-saucy talents…and now everytime I message her she’s probably thinking…

But girl it’s out of my control. You stuck with me now 😂, an Aussie is a hard thing to shake…after-all you only have to look at all the possible dangers we might have to face for the day 🤣🤣🤣… so the worst you can do is kill me off in your story. So I’m pretty okay with that lol. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

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Demon Pack (Demon Pack 1) – ARC Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Demon Pack by Everly Frost & Jaymin Eve

Holy dang demon babies! Everly and Jaymin have done it again…and honestly, at this point, I shouldn’t be surprised any longer, but you know what?…I love how they can keep doing this to me, after all this time of me reading their books. I just, really, thoroughly enjoyed this unique and utterly intriguing story that’s being woven right in front of me. So girls, just keep doing what you’re doing because I’m here for all the crazy and wonderful worlds your brains can create. So just keep doing what you do best. And don’t change a thing. 💖😍

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